What is SUAS?

SUAS is a competition held annually since 2002 in USA that requires students to design, integrate, report and demonstrate a UAV capable of autonomous flight and navigation, remote sensing through integrated payload sensors and performing a specific set of tasks. Students gain hands-on experience designing, building, and programming autonomous systems, making them highly competitive in fields such as aerospace, robotics, and artificial intelligence.

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The SUAS competition involves a series of tasks designed to test the capabilities of the UAS system. Some examples include:

  • Autonomous Flight: The UAS must autonomously take off, navigate through waypoints and stay within defined boundaries
  • Obstacle Avoidance: The UAS needs to detect and avoid other aircraft within the airspace
  • Object Detection and Localization: The UAS captures images of a designated area and provides the GPS coordinates of their locations.
  • Air Delivery: The UAS autonomously drops a payload at a target GPS location, ensuring it lands safely without damage.
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